3D View

The view on the right should show the images ready for navigation.

Moving Around

To start move the cursor into the background area. Make sure you are not over an image, push the left mouse button and keep it down. With your finger still on the button, move the mouse around to rotate the outer cube and view the images at different angles. They will always face towards you and be correctly orientated.

Going In

Once you have mastered the rotation its time to get closer to the action. This time this will allow you to zoom in and out of the collection.


For more advanced settings right click on the view and select an option from the menu.

Image Viewing

You may have noticed that the cursor changes when you move over an image and brief detals are displayed . If you click the left mouse button the image thumbnail will be shown in a seperate page. Alternatively the page could contain a larger image together with more details etc.

Now you are ready to take on the collections, so good luck and enjoy the experience.

NOTE: If you get into trouble you can always refresh the page and start again.

© 2008 produced by Jonny Edwards